Last week's storm caused technology outages across campus. Since all state testing is online, our primary concern was to reestablish Wi-Fi connectivity. Testing classrooms are now operational, but not all phones are functioning. Since computers are working we will not attempt any phone repairs until the state-required testing is complete. Until phones are repaired we ask that you please call the main office and we will relay messages. Thank you for your patience.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Our students are prepared for state testing and ready to show what they know! Testing begins tomorrow, April. 20. Please make sure your children arrive by 8:00 each morning so that they test with their classmates in their scheduled sessions. Late arrivals will have to make up tests. Testing ends on Tuesday, Apr. 26 if all students have been tested.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
PTO Skate Night Tuesday, April 19th 5:30-7:30 Cost is $5.00
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Testing begins on Wednesday and begins early each morning. Make sure you child arrives on time. If student(s) arrives they will have to take two test in the afternoon.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
CASE summer camp information.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Summer Camp
Check out this event on May 7th at Anthis-Brennan Sports Complex.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Discover Summer Resource Fair
Reminders for April 11-15th: 1. Band spring concert is Tuesday at 6:30. 2. Concession is on Thursday. 3. No after school on Thursday and no school on Friday.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Grand View Public School will host a public hearing for federal programs at noon via ZOOM on Tuesday, April 12. Programs addressed will include Title VI Indian Education, Indian Policies and Procedures and Impact Aid, Title I and The School-Parent-Student Compact, Title II Professional Development, Title III English Language Acquisition, Title IV School Safety, Native American and Alaska Native Children in School, Johnson O’Malley Program, Gifted and Talented Education, Safe and Drug Free Communities, Carol White Physical Education Program, Innovative Literacy, Indian Education Demonstration Grants for Indian Children, Native Youth Community Projects (NYCP), Child Nutrition, Technology Plan, E-Rate, Oklahoma Universal Service Fund, IDEA-Individuals with Disabilities Act, School Climate Transformation Grant, ARP ESSER III Return to Learn Plan and Grand View School’s intent to apply for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant. To receive an invitation to the hearing, email Glenda Sellers at
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
The Snickerdoodle orders have been upgraded to Pre-Portioned Snickerdoodle boxes. Anyone who ordered a Tub of Snickerdoodle will have the Pre-Portioned Snickerdoodle boxes as a replacement. There is NO CHARGE for this upgrade. If you still have not picked up your cookie dough, please text Mary Altaffer at 918 931-2850. Arrangements for all orders need to be made no later than Friday afternoon.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
The PTO Cookie Dough orders arrived this morning. PTO staff will be available for drive-through pickup this afternoon. You may enter the southwest gate at 3:15 and go down to the awning by the cafeteria loading dock. They will be available for pickup until 5:30.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Grand View Cheer Tryouts: Clinic April 26th and 27th. Tryouts April 28th. Tryout packets can be picked up from Ms. Cox, Mrs. Cox, or in the front office.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
There will be a PTO meeting on Tuesday, April 5th, beginning at 5:30 in the cafeteria.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
The Oklahoma Caring Van will be providing free immunizations for students and staff at Grand View School April 7th, 2022 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. For more information and consent forms, use the link below.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
PTO Skate night Tuesday March 22nd from 5:30pm to 7:30 pm, $5.00 to skate. Come out and support your PTO.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
….Please contact them after spring break to set a meeting time. Thank you and have a safe, healthy Spring Break.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Due to tomorrow's weather forecast, the remaining Parent/Teacher conferences will be conducted virtually.Your child's teacher will reach out to you during your scheduled conference time. If you would like an on-campus conference, they will be glad to meet with you during their planning time.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Additional information for conferences. If you have children at the Early Learning Center you may go directly to that west parking lot and into the ELC Parents of Middle School students can go outside the main building and directly to the Middle School and enter from the library sidewalk. If you have students in multiple buildings, pick one and do your check-in there and notify staff when you move to the next building.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
We are excited to have you back on campus for Parent/Teacher Conferences today and tomorrow. Conferences start at 4:00 PM today so there will be no After-School program. Make sure your child knows how they are getting home. To limit contact on campus, we will have staff available to escort you to your child's classroom. We recommend you bring only your child that is a Grand View student. We know you might like to visit with your child's teachers from the past, but their schedules will be full with conferences. Let's save those visits until late springtime. Remember, we will start on March 21 with masks being optional. But since no one wants to be ill over Spring Break, we will require sign-in, temp checks and masks. To avoid crowding and contact please arrive within 5 minutes of your scheduled conference and you will have time to sign-in and be escorted to your child's classroom. We realize weather may impact tomorrow's travel. We will continue to monitor those conditions and send out notifications as soon as possible. In the event weather closes campus, we will have phone conferences available. You may also set a time to meet with your child's teacher after Spring Break. Thank you and we are excited to see you.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Grand View School will host Parent/Teacher Conferences Thursday evening and Friday morning. No after-school on Thursday. We continue to follow COVID recommendations from Cherokee Nation Public Health so masks are required for in-person conferences. We have some good news though: Beginning Monday, March 21, masks will no longer be required. Rising COVID cases could bring masks back so we ask that everyone please be COVID-safe during spring break.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools
Reminders for this week: 1. Tuesday-PTO meeting at 5:30 2. Thursday-Concession 3. Thursday & Friday-Parent/Teacher Conferences 4. No after school on Thursday and no school on Friday.
almost 3 years ago, Grand View Schools