Grand View will begin Distance Learning Packet pick up and drop off Monday, August 31st. You can pick up or drop off your students' work from 11AM- 12:30PM at the cafeteria loading dock located on the south side of campus. Pick up and drop off days are Mondays and Wednesdays of each week. If school is out on a Monday the days will be Tuesday and Thursday.
Beginning Tuesday, September 8th GV will begin offering meals to our virtual students. The meals will include a breakfast and a lunch, and are only available to students enrolled at Grand View School. We have partnered with a food management service company for this school year so our menus have changed to offer higher quality meals. Two days of meals will be distributed on the first school day each week. The remainder of the meals will be distributed on the third school day each week.
Please remember our partnership and do a daily temperature check every morning. Also complete your COVID screenings every Sunday evening too. Thank you.

The Acceptable Use Policy(AUP) needs to be turned in for 3rd through 8th grade students before your child can take home a chromebook. Please submit the AUP by Friday.
Virtual & distance learning officially starts Monday, August 31st.
Checkouts for a chromebooks & hotspots for students enrolled for virtual learning are set by appointment. Please contact the school to setup one up.

If you are selecting the distance learning option for your 3rd-8th grade child, your enrollment forms must be completed before checking out your Chromebooks. If you have not completed enrollment please contact the school ASAP so that enrollment can be completed & a time can be scheduled for technology checkout.

Students up to 4th grade now have home-room teacher assignments listed online. 5th-8th class schedules can be reviewed online too.

Reminder at this time there is NO After-School program. We will coordinate with the Oklahoma State Department of Education to determine how to best meet grant requirements.

Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:30 a.m. this school year. Middle school students and middle schoolers with 1st through 4th grade siblings will be dropped off and picked up on the north side of campus near the playground. First though fourth grade students with no siblings has moved to the front of the school. There are no changes for students in the Early Learning Center. Classes begin at 8:05 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. Three year old and Pre-K pick up is at 2:30 p.m.

2019-20 yearbooks were sold out, but a few additional copies will be ordered August 31. If you would like to order a yearbook contact Mrs. Bowlin at school.

Enrollment continues. Try online enrollment using a computer. If you have questions or don’t have internet access, please call the school to schedule an enrollment appointment.
All parents need to notify the school of their child’s learning preference: traditional on-campus learning or the Distance Education Program. Please call if you’ve haven't given the school this information.
Distance learners can also take advantage of the CEP program’s free meals. Federal law requires that you must be an enrolled as a Grand View student.
Lastly, while school starts August 26th, Grand View School now requires social distancing and masks for everyone on campus.

Reminder tonight at 5:30 there will be a Zoom Community Meeting. To get the link visit grandviewchargers.org or use the GV app. If you have any questions please submit those by 4:30 today. That link is provide on the website too. See you tonight virtually.

Blood Drive-August 20th-2:00 to 6:00 p.m.

School begins August 26th.

Parents there will be a property exchange Monday, May 4th during the food distribution from 12- 6 PM. We are giving students personal belongings back to them, as well as, taking items such as band instruments, library books, textbooks, and locks.

Just a reminder that the Grab-and-Go meal program will be serving an entire week of meals from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday.

This week Grand View teachers will be contacting everyone in the district. You may not recognize the number or it may say blocked. Please answer so we can continue your child's education. The main question is whether your child will learn virtually or through paper packets.

PTO Cookie Dough Fundraiser has been canceled. If you have already sold cookie dough please return the money that has been collected. The PTO will not be accepting any cookie dough forms or money.

To insure the children of our community do not experience food insecurity issues during the closure, Grand View School will provide grab-and-go food service beginning next week. Breakfast and lunch will be available for every child under 18 years of age. Pickup times and locations will be announced on Friday.

There is no after school on Wednesday and no school on Thursday or Friday. Spring break is from March 16th through March 20th. School resumes Monday, March 23rd.

There is no after school program on Thursday. Your child needs to ride the bus or be picked up by 3:10. Parent-Teacher Conferences are Thursday evening from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and Friday morning from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. All parents from Pre-K to 8th grade are encouraged to attend.

Benefit Spaghetti Dinner on February 18th. Proceeds benefit Grand View Special Olympics. If you would like a ticket please contact Grand View.

School resumes Tuesday, February 18th. Parent-Teacher Conferences are Thursday from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.